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Gestalt Coaching Program in Toronto Starts 2016

Gestalt Center for Coaching Proudly Announces “The Gestalt Coaching Program in Toronto”

A new energy has entered the coaching community in Toronto and we are so proud to be working to bring our program here. While we are coaching in English, we are also proud of bringing the depth of the Turkish soul, the innovativeness of Israeli efforts, seven years of program excellence in the Gestalt Center for Coaching and carries the history of evolving from the US ancestor to this program started in 2003. Always ICF-ACTP and now, a development opportunity for Awareness IQ TM. There are now multiple gestalt coaching programs in the world, but, Toronto, Ontario – is a direct flight for so many.

And, if you are already a “practising coach” this is a program experience that has proven itself to be the integrator of knowledge & process skills-a powerful step in coaching mastery.

To access the Gestalt Coaching Program page, please click here.

We are so proud to welcome your inquires. Please contact us through this link.

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